90:90 Warm-up Stretch Sequence (10 min) | REHAB & RESTORATIVE
Warm-Ups & Cool-Downs
This is one of my go-to stretching routines to prepare the body for movement. This simple sequence has an easy and accessible set up on the floor, and is a great way to mobilize the major muscle groups of the hips, pelvis, low back, and legs. Its also a great way to start to dive into an awareness of your breathing. I know some people use this as a stand-alone daily stretching routine, or you could use it as a warm-up for your workout or other activities.
Equipment: you may find a small cushion under your hips helpful.
Intensity Level: Gentle
Musical Suggestion:
Release Date: Oct 4th, 2021
Up Next in Warm-Ups & Cool-Downs
Limber Legs for Runners (18 min) | YOGA
A lower body stretch routine designed with the post-run feeling in mind. However, this sequence is helpful for after that hike you just aced, leg day in the gym, or the rugby match you just rocked.
Equipment: room to move, and a small ledge to put your foot up for a calf stretch (book, curb, or...
Upper Body Stretch (13 min) | REHAB &...
This upper body stretch can be a great follow-up to any workout or activity that focuses on the use of your hands, arms, shoulders, back, or neck. Whether you just finished Arm Day at the gym, were outside bouldering, just need a break from sitting at your computer, or are finishing up chopping a...
Warm-Up A
Lets get things moving! We will quickly pop through each movement here to get the muscles, joints, heart, lungs and mind ready for movement. Use these Warm-Up videos as prep for any of the other videos, or just as a way to shake off some stillness.
Equipment: None
My Spotify Suggestion: https:...