Glute Activation; Part One (17min) | REHAB & RESTORATIVE
Warm-Ups & Cool-Downs
Based on how most of us live our lives (with a lot of sitting), it can be really challenging for a lot of people to properly use the muscles of the hips, primarily the glutes. When these muscles don’t take on the workload as they are supposed to, it can translate into things like knee and low back pain. Once I learned how to activate these muscles for myself, I started seeing much better results in my strength training, far less low back pain, and overall better function. Here is a little sequence that really helped me out. Sometimes I will do this before an activity that requires a lot of leg use, whether that’s going for a hike or doing a set of heavy squats in the gym. I hope this helps!
Equipment: Lacrosse Ball and Loop Band.
Intensity Level: Gentle
Musical Suggestion:
Release Date: Oct 11th, 2021
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