*Live Stream* Yin @ Hive Climbing May 19th (60 min) | REHAB & RESTORATIVE
45+ Minutes
We take it really slow and easy in this restorative yin sequence. Some focus on wrists, but mostly we will be working to soften the hips and spine. If you have a foam roller, you’ll get a chance to use it to release the glutes.
Note: Live Streams will be a little less polished as far as sound and video quality goes, but I hope you still enjoy them anyways!
Optional Equipment: Bolsters/cushions, blocks, strap, foam roller.
Intensity Level: Gentle
Yin Yoga Playlist: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/4Wy9FOQZTo4FVuPklNUxxh?si=fe1d059afaa44ef4
Release Date: May 24th, 2021
Up Next in 45+ Minutes
*Live Stream* Yin @ Hive Climbing May...
This long yin yoga session is meant to be very restorative. Lots of focus on finding space for deep breathing, spinal mobility, and should help to release for hips.
LIVESTREAMS: Note: Live Streams will be a little less polished as far as sound and video quality goes, but I hope you still enjoy ...
Hour of Power (60 min) | YOGA
This is a challenging yoga flow or vinyassa style practice. Lots of challenging transitions, options for play, and several arm balances (and you can watch me fail hard when I attempt to try side crow;)). The work rate is high for this one, so take breaks when you need, and as always, take what wo...
Restorative Yin (55 min) | YOGA
A long, gentle, and meditative sequence. Lots of focus on relieving tension through hips, inner-legs, and low-back. Best supported with bolsters, blocks and cushions, as we set up in each pose for about three minutes. In these style practices, its best to not push too hard into the postures, and ...