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Basic Kettlebell Intervals (10 min) | STRENGTH

5-15 Minutes • 10m

Up Next in 5-15 Minutes

  • Glute Burner (10 min) | STRENGTH

    10 minutes to set your glutes on fire. This works best with an exercise loop band, but you could do it with just bodyweight. This sequence was a tough one to film, so just be happy knowing that I will have suffered along with you!
    Expect to do: Squats, squat walks, curtsey squats, sumo squats, s...

  • 5 Minute Meditation | MEDITATION

    So I'll be the first to admit that I find meditation very challenging, and I am no expert. But starting small is better than not starting at all. Here's a basic 5 minute meditation, where I'll try to help keep you focused on your breath in an attempt to calm your busy mind. I sit on a bolster for...

  • 8 Minute Abs | STRENGTH

    Short and... sweet? Non-stop core work for 8 minutes! No equipment needed.

    Expect to do... Plank; Dead Bugs; Rope Climbers; Side Crunches; Reverse Roll Down; Pilates Single Leg Stretch; Russian Twists; Side Plank; Shoulder Taps; and Bicycle Crunches.

    Equipment: none.

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