15 Minute Mini Hatha | YOGA
This mini stretching series can be helpful for alleviating aches and pains, as well as getting your body limbered up and moving to take on your day. We go pretty quickly through the last few relaxation poses on the floor, so definitely feel free to pose the video and stay longer if you need more time in those poses.
Equipment: Room to move!
My Spotify recommendation: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/7e3DneHD2k8DuQPlmEFxFq
Intensity Level: Gentle
Release Date: Feb 1st, Feb 2021
Up Next in Yoga
90:90 Warm-up Stretch Sequence (10 mi...
This is one of my go-to stretching routines to prepare the body for movement. This simple sequence has an easy and accessible set up on the floor, and is a great way to mobilize the major muscle groups of the hips, pelvis, low back, and legs. Its also a great way to start to dive into an awarenes...
Live Stream* Power Flow @ Hive Climbi...
A mini Power Flow live recording for The Hive North Shore. Lots of flows and some challenges with balancing transitions.
Note: Live Streams will be a little less polished as far as sound and video quality goes, but I hope you still enjoy them anyways!
Equipment: Yoga mat and blocks.
*Live Stream* Yoga Flow for Climbers...
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