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Kettlebells Ladder Drill for Power and Stability (18 min) | STRENGTH

Challenging! • 18m

Up Next in Challenging!

  • Work it Out... Cardio Endurance (40 m...

    This longer HIIT session is meant to challenge your cardio and your endurance, as we will be going pretty hard for about 40mins. No equipment needed, just need to be ready to get sweaty. As always, adapt as needed for your fitness level, and feel free to add on to some of the exercises by includi...

  • Dynamic Twists Flow (35 min) | YOGA

    Try out this challenging and playful Power Flow if you want to wring out the spine, fool around with some dynamic transitions, and maybe play around with standing on your hands (sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't;). This flow sequence will really challenge your balance as we enter single le...

  • Glute Burner (10 min) | STRENGTH

    10 minutes to set your glutes on fire. This works best with an exercise loop band, but you could do it with just bodyweight. This sequence was a tough one to film, so just be happy knowing that I will have suffered along with you!
    Expect to do: Squats, squat walks, curtsey squats, sumo squats, s...