Deep Core Activation with Sydney Schnell, MPT (6 min) | HOW-TO
6m 7s
You’ve probably heard me say something in a workout along the lines of “engage your deep core/pelvic floor” or “lift from the base of your pelvis,” or maybe even “brace your abdomen.” These are all ways of explaining the engagement of a really important muscle, the Transversus Abdominis (TA for short).
Your TA, or deep core, helps support your low back, pelvis, and spine, through day-to-day activities. But despite its importance, it's not uncommon to have dysfunction in this muscle.
In this short video, Sydney Schnell (a Pelvic Floor Physio operating out of Vancouver, BC, and the brains behind this whole operation) breaks down some ways for you to discover, activate, and strengthen this very important muscle.
Equipment: none
Release Date: July 12th, 2021