Sandbag Basics (20 min) | STRENGTH
15-30 Minutes
Grab a sandbag or a weighted backpack and let's get started. I love workouts with a weighted bag because even though there are specific muscles targeted with each exercise, that dynamic nature of holding your posture while you move the bag around is great for core strength. So start light and use a weight that you can move without compensating through your spine (movements like the rotational lunge and overhead press are a good way to gage what is an appropriate weight).
Aim for 8-12 reps for each exercise. We do one set of each of the following exercises, for three sets total:
Bent Over Rows; Twisted (Rotational) Lunges; Overhead Press; Back Squat; Romanian Deadlift; Bicep Curls; Step-Back Lunges; Pushups; 1min Plank. x3
Equipment: Weighted bag (sandbag or backpack)
My Spotify recommendation:
... I was feeling a little Rock and Roll for this set. All Them Witches is a great group out of Nashville, Tennessee.
Intensity Level: Moderate
Release Date: March 1st, 2021
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